
Health & Social Care – (Level 4 & 5) course

The undergraduate level 4/5 health and social care course is a 240 credit course designed to fast track students to the final year of an associated undergraduate degree within the health and social care sector. The final year top up degree can be completed at a UK university on campus or via distance learning.

The level 4 modules and assignments of this course are equivalent to the first year of a university degree. The level 5 modules and assignments are equivalent to the second year of a university degree.

This course is made up of six level 4 modules and assignments (120 credits) and five level 5 modules and assignments (120 credits). If a student decides to only study at level 4, they will receive 120 credits and can apply for an exemption from the first year of a university degree course.

Each module consists of approximately 40 guided learning hours of material with an additional 30-50 hours of optional learning material. These materials comprise recommended exercises, recommended readings and internet resources.

The fee for enrolling onto the level 4 and level 5 courses together is £3000. Alternatively students can enrol onto a single level (level 4 or 5) for £1800 each.

Students can make payment using one of the following methods:

  • Credit or debit card
  • Bank transfer
  • All course material, including online modules and written assignments
  • Student support
  • Assignment marking and feedback

You can decide to top up to a full undergraduate degree through an accredited UK university:

  • Anglia Ruskin University
  • University of Derby

Our online business management, hotel and hospitality, and computing courses will help you obtain a diploma, which is recognised by employers and awarded by OFQUAL, the UK government higher education regulating body.

These diplomas can then be used as progression onto completion of a full undergraduate or postgraduate degree course, at an accredited UK or overseas university.

  • Choose a course.
  • Study the course modules.
  • Complete online multiple-choice tests and written assignments
  • Receive your certificate and university credits.
  • Top up your qualifications and earn a BA degree or MBA.

Your degree or MBA will be awarded to you by the university you complete your final year with.
Our awarding body partners have direct links with UK universities, who accept the OFQUAL credits awarded from studying our courses.


Assessment at FastTrack is a straightforward process:

  • After you have completed an online module, you will have an online assessment to complete. This assessment contains 30 multiple-choice questions. You will have one hour to complete these questions, which are answered in sets of five, so you will have plenty of time to review and edit your answers. After an hour, the test will automatically time out.
  • After you have completed the test, your results will be displayed immediately. If you have passed, you will receive a certificate of completion. If you don’t pass, you will receive a notification of a “refer’’ where you will be told how to retake a module assessment. You can complete these modules at your own pace, as there is no deadline to complete the course. 
  • When the online modules have been successfully completed, you will then be able to take the final written assignments provided by FastTrack that test your knowledge and understanding of the modules. After successful completion of these assignments, you will receive your diploma from the OFQUAL awarding organization.
  • You will then be eligible to apply for progression onto a top up course through a recognised UK university on campus or by distance learning.

Click here to get more information about the Levels

To enrol onto the level 4 course, you must be at least 18 and have a full secondary education. Before enrolling onto the level 5 course, you must have attained a level 4 or equivalent.

Academic study skills

The aim of this module is to enable learners to develop the necessary skills and understanding to study effectively within higher education. This will enable learners to acquire the necessary reflective and critical thinking skills required to achieve individual learning potential.

Communicating in health and social care

The aim of this module is to develop the learner’s awareness of different forms of communication used in health and social care settings and its importance for effective service delivery.

An introduction to healthcare policy

The aim of this module is to develop the learners awareness of different influences on healthcare and their effect on the development of policy. Evaluation of healthcare policy will allow learners to examine what are the key contemporary issues for those making policy, providers and those receiving support.

Reflective practice

This module is designed to introduce the learner to reflective practice in all its forms. Reflections on practice and in practice are important concepts in health and social care and feed into the idea of self -development linking theory to practice.

Managing people in health and social care

The aim of this module is to enable learners to understand the processes involved in the recruitment, management and development of people in the health and social care workplace. In this module learners will investigate the processes involved in the management of individuals in the health and social care workplace and how to facilitate change in the organisation.

Sociology: concepts in health and ill health

The aim of this module is for learners to gain an understanding of sociological concepts of health and ill health and their application to care practice in health and social care. It will enable learners to gain an understanding of the nature of contemporary society and its influences on the perception of health and ill health. Learners will explore how society is structured in terms of age, gender, ethnicity, social class, family and households and its impact on health and well-being.

Principles underpinning health and social care

All health and social care professionals have professional codes of conduct. The aim of this module is to develop understanding of the values, theories and policies underpinning health and social care practice and the mechanisms that exist to promote good practice within the sector.

The management of quality in health and social care

Quality is an essential component of health and social care services and a concept with many different interpretations and perspectives. The aim of this module is for learners to develop an understanding of different perspectives on health and social care service quality and how it is evaluated in order to empower and involve users of services.

Research project

This module aims to develop the learner’s skills of independent enquiry and critical analysis by undertaking a small pilot investigation of direct relevance to their higher education programme or professional development.

Partnership working in health and social care

The aim of this module is to enable learners to develop an understanding of the importance of working positively in partnership with others in health and social care. Learners will explore the nature of partnership on three levels. First, they will examine partnerships with users of services that empower individuals to make informed decisions and encourage independence. Second, they will consider partnerships between different professionals within health and social care and explore inter-agency working. Finally, learners will investigate organisational partnerships and examine different ways of joint working.

Working with service users with complex needs

The aim of this unit is to help learners to understand issues of health, disability and illness and how health care professionals can empower those with complex physical and mental health needs to determine their own care.

The Qualifi level 4/5 diploma in health and social care has 6 written assignments at level 4 and 5 written assignments at level 5. The assignments are approximately 2,000-3,000 words each.

The assignment unit titles for the level 4 course are:
  • Academic study skills
  • Communicating in health and social care
  • An introduction to healthcare policy
  • Reflective practice
  • Managing people in health and social care
  • Sociology: concepts in health and ill health
The assignment unit titles for the level 5 course are:
  • Principles underpinning health and social care
  • The management of quality in health and social care
  • Research project
  • Partnership working in health and social care
  • Working with service users with complex needs

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